Friday, April 26, 2013

[News] Psy's Half-Million Dollar Donation Worth Much More

Psy was reported to have donated a half-million dollars for children fighting against cancer just  a day prior to his departure for the United States for his promotional tour.

The entire nation of Korea is in love with Psy at the moment. Not only is he sweeping the world with his music and making the fellow Koreans and Asians proud, he has offered a generous sum of giving in appreciation of all the love he has gotten.

Although there has been a slight brake on his momentum with KBS's unreasonable rejection of his music video for public viewing, even that could not stop Psy. Graciously, without argument or drama, he accepted whatever ruling was handed to him.

Then came the donation. And it was not a small amount.

Truth be told, his music sale has not reached a half-million dollars yet. It sure will well exceed it in no time but, at the moment, it is not in Psy's pocket. The rest will come from his savings.

Donations by celebrities are no longer headline news as they have fortunately become a common occurrence. Psy's donation, after all, may not be something to wow at considering the past revelations and news of large amounts of donations that had been made in secret. But Psy's donation is huge indeed. The amount of attention and influence he has carries a ripple effect that is far beyond the check he handed over.
Psy had a comfortable upbringing in a well-to-do family. His donation does not stem so much from the need for catharsis or helping those in situations he has been in. As he stated himself, it is purely giving back a portion of what he received so much. It is akin to social responsibility that progressive-minded business owners preach through their generous acts of giving.

Typically, people are not as moved by the giving of those who have always had enough for themselves. We assume the cynic's position and imagine ourselves easily doing the same if we had just as much financial wiggle room. And at those who seemingly do not make big financial contributions back to the society, we spit and label as selfish.

Psy has made a tremendous decision that will positively affect countless individuals and how they view those in the outskirts of the society. As those hearing the news at the comfort of our homes, the only thing we could do with a clear conscience is applaud at Psy's generosity. Nothing else.

M/s :

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