Sunday, June 30, 2013

[News] A-PRINCE presents a royal showcase in Singapore

[News] A-PRINCE presents a royal showcase in Singapore

Rookie group, A-Prince, comprising of 5 members; Leader Sungwon, Minhyuk, Seungjun, Siyoon and Woobin, had recently melted the heart of hundred A-Lands with their charm at A-Prince Showcase Live in Singapore that was held at DBS Arts Centre.

The showcase took off with performances of “You’re The Only One” and “OH GIRL” continued with covers of DBSK’s songs, “Hug’ and ‘Mirotic”. A-Prince has planned, where the group unveiled three new songs off their upcoming releases, “Mambo”.

Host of this showcase, Ken also taught them some local Singlish phrases such as “chio la” and “swee la”. Following it, the group played a game to find their Ideal Girl. Leader of the group, Sungwon, stated that his ideal girl should be someone who wears glasses with long hair, after describing his ideal girl, he went backstage to prepare for his solo performance. Rest of the members also stated that their ideal girls should be wearing black, skirt, watch and sport shoes. 5 lucky A-Lands were then chosen to go up stage to get their wishes granted. Wishes such as a hug & selca were granted by A-Prince.

After the search for their ideal girls, Sungwon appeared on stage with his solo performance followed by a special dance performance by Minhyuk, Siyoon and Woobin. Promising a uniquely Singapore performance, A-Prince sang 2 English songs, “What Makes You Beautiful” and “One Thing” by One Direction.
A special birthday segment was prepared for the birthday boy, Woobin. 2 videos (1 prepared by the fans, sending their birthday wishes, another was by the A-Prince members themselves greeting both Woobin and Seungjun, whose birthday falls 3 days later) were shown before selected lucky fans appeared on stage with 2 cakes. A-Prince then performed ‘Hello’ as their last song of the day. After leaving the stage for awhile, they appeared again to perform “Gangnam Style” & “Gentleman” as their encore stage.

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