Monday, June 24, 2013

[News] Seo Yuri and Roy Kim Take a Candid Photo Together

Seo Yuri ,Roy Kim
[News] Seo Yuri and Roy Kim Take a Candid Photo Together

Seo Yuri and Roy Kim recently took a candid photo together.

On June 23, Seo Yuri tweeted a photo of the pair together with the playful caption, “Roy, why do you keep moving backwards?!” indicating that the star had probably wanted to add some height while taking the photo.

In the photo, Seo Yuri and Roy Kim wear bright smiles for the camera. The two celebrities are seen without makeup, in comfy clothes and appear to be chummy buddies.

Netizens who saw the photo commented, “Seo Yuri looks better without makeup in my opinion,” “Roy Kim is so adorable!” “They seem really friendly with each other,” and “They’re good-looking!”

In related news, Seo Yuri shared some cosplay photos for character Janna from “League of Legends” on her Twitter page after gamers faced server issues.

Seo Yuri, Roy Kim
M/s :

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