Thursday, May 23, 2013

[News] BTOB visits children in need in Cambodia

[News] BTOB visits children in need in Cambodia

BTOB recently embarked on their overseas promotions with first fan meetings in Thailand and Cambodia.

After the successful fan meeting in Thailand, the group visited Pnom Penh, Cambodia for three days where they performed in front of 1000 fans in a fan meeting event ‘BTOB Press Play in Cambodia’ held at Koh Pich Theatre.

To show their thanks, BTOB visited a welfare center in Phnom Penh, and gave special memories to the 100 children. The members personally performed for the children, handed out snacks and even helped to paint the old facilities.

Leader Eunkwang said, “I am very happy for having a fan meeting at my first visit at Cambodia and had chance to share special memories with Cambodian children. After seeing their bright smiles, I feel like we all received healing. I hope we get to stay longer next time.”

 M/s :

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