Recently, Lee Hong Ki guested on SBS 'Midnight TV' with his co-stars from his upcoming movie. His co-star actor Ma Dong Seok shared an incident on the set wherein he had referred to Hong Ki as, "Do you know Lee Hong Ki? CNBLUE." The senior actor further said, "Hong Ki's expression didn't look too good after that." At which point, Lee Hong Ki attempted to explain the predicament. Patiently, the FTISLAND vocalist explained, "Well, I am aware that a lot of people think FTISLAND and CNBLUE are alike". Lee Hong Ki even quipped, "We (FTISLAND and CNBLUE) are actually really close, but when people joke around and comparing..." at which point he couldn't finish his sentence. His co-actor Ma Dong Seok came to his rescue, nodding his head, "I think I know how that feels."
At least, one thing is clear from this, FTISLAND and CNBLUE are close to each other. Therefore, there is no need to create an unnecessary rift between the friends by consistently comparing and pitting them against each other.
Lee Hong Ki obviously does not appreciate these comparisons and most importantly, while viewed similarly at times, the two bands do offer a unique musical experience giving each band a niche in the crowded world of K-pop. In the past Lee Hong Ki has been under fire for voicing out his concerns about this CNBLUE-FTISLAND 'rivalry'.
When he was younger, he complained in a variety show (100 Out Of 100), he had blurted out his disappointment at how he felt that his band were like CNBLUE's guinea pig or lab rat. It has been long since, and Hong Ki has wisened up and maintained close relations with his labelmates, but he still would rather you not compare them. It's akward, even Ma Dong Seok knows how it feels. This writer wonders though, since Lee Hong Ki filmed the movie until early this year, was this incident the inspiration of his designing this jacket at that time?
M/s :
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